
The samc package currently supports two different models: random-walk (RW) and correlated random-walk (CRW). The random-walk is the default model that always has been used by the package. Version 3 made breaking changes to the samc() function to setup a structure for specifying different models, and the correlated random-walk model is the first alternative to make use of this starting with version 3.1.


Models in the samc package are defined as a list with various components depending on the context:

list(name, fun, dir, sym, dist, kappa)


The basic random-walk is the default model used by the package and uses the following properties:

  • name: can be omitted or set to "RW"
  • fun: a function for calculating transition probabilities from the data input. The convolution algorithm does not allow for custom functions, so this should be omitted in that context.
  • dir can be either 4 or 8
  • sym can be either TRUE or FALSE, and is used as an optimization when calculating transition probabilities.

Correlated Random-Walk

The correlated random-walk features are currently experimental. They may not work in all situations and are subject to change.

The correlated random-walk uses the same properties as the RW:

  • name: must be set to "CRW"
  • fun: a function for calculating transition probabilities from the data input.
  • dir can be either 4 or 8
  • sym can be either TRUE or FALSE, and is used as an optimization when calculating transition probabilities.

To describe the correlated random-walk behavior, additional parameters are needed to describe the turning behavior:

  • dist specifies the name of a distribution or function. Currently, only "vonMises" is supported.
  • kappa is specific to the von Mises distribution. It is a single number greater than or equal to 0 that sets a global turning probability.

As the capabilities of the correlated random-walk are expanded in future updates, additional options will be documented here.

To run metrics using the CRW, a single origin and direction value must be supplied in a 1x2 matrix (subject to change). The direction is an integer in the range 1-8 with the directions illustrated as follows:

1 2 3
4   5
6 7 8

For example, 1 is up and left, while 6 is down and left.

Support for multiple origin values, init maps, and dest values is not currently implemented, but will be available future releases once the CRW implementation details are finalized.



res_data <- samc::rasterize(example_toy_res)
abs_data <- samc::rasterize(example_toy_res * 0 + 0.05)

plot(res_data, main = "Resistance")

rw_model <- list(fun = "1/mean(x)", dir = 8, sym = TRUE)
crw_model0 <- list(name = "CRW", fun = "1/mean(x)", dir = 8, sym = TRUE, dist = "vonMises", kappa = 0) # Effectively a random walk after the first step
crw_model1 <- list(name = "CRW", fun = "1/mean(x)", dir = 8, sym = TRUE, dist = "vonMises", kappa = 1) # Some bias against turning
crw_model2 <- list(name = "CRW", fun = "1/mean(x)", dir = 8, sym = TRUE, dist = "vonMises", kappa = 2) # Moderate bias against turning
crw_model8 <- list(name = "CRW", fun = "1/mean(x)", dir = 8, sym = TRUE, dist = "vonMises", kappa = 8) # Very strong bias against turning

samc_rw <- samc(res_data, abs_data, model = rw_model)
samc_crw0 <- samc(res_data, abs_data, model = crw_model0)
#> Warning in samc(data, absorption, fidelity, model, options = options): CRW
#> support is currently experimental and may see input changes
samc_crw1 <- samc(res_data, abs_data, model = crw_model1)
#> Warning in samc(data, absorption, fidelity, model, options = options): CRW
#> support is currently experimental and may see input changes
samc_crw2 <- samc(res_data, abs_data, model = crw_model2)
#> Warning in samc(data, absorption, fidelity, model, options = options): CRW
#> support is currently experimental and may see input changes
samc_crw8 <- samc(res_data, abs_data, model = crw_model8)
#> Warning in samc(data, absorption, fidelity, model, options = options): CRW
#> support is currently experimental and may see input changes

origin = 85 # Centered near the bottom
dir = 1 # Up and left

vis_rw <- as.vector(visitation(samc_rw, origin = origin))
vis_crw0 <- as.vector(visitation(samc_crw0, origin = matrix(c(origin, dir), 1)))
vis_crw1 <- as.vector(visitation(samc_crw1, origin = matrix(c(origin, dir), 1)))
vis_crw2 <- as.vector(visitation(samc_crw2, origin = matrix(c(origin, dir), 1)))
vis_crw8 <- as.vector(visitation(samc_crw8, origin = matrix(c(origin, dir), 1)))

plot(map(samc_rw, vis_rw), col = viridis(1024), main = "RW")
plot(map(samc_crw0, vis_crw0), col = viridis(1024), main = "CRW (kappa=0)")
plot(map(samc_crw1, vis_crw1), col = viridis(1024), main = "CRW (kappa=1)")
plot(map(samc_crw2, vis_crw2), col = viridis(1024), main = "CRW (kappa=2)")
plot(map(samc_crw8, vis_crw8), col = viridis(1024), main = "CRW (kappa=8)")